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International #1291
I'm a pure descendant of Arabs born in Brazil and I fucking hate it
ITT: Zig Forums posters you recognize
Sverigetråden - NEETupplagan
I'm fucked, bros. My city is literally below sea level, we can't handle two of these in a row
Why is Macaroni so racist?
This Friday i'll start with my law education
Why the fuck do some Europeans like kebabs? It's just a fucking burrito
"The bad guys" are bread and butter of "the good guys" (presumably the US). If it wasn't for us...
Post an image of your hometown
Why do they make SSA seethe so much?
The truth they don't want you to know
Okay Zig Forums I need your advice
/nachtschicht/ morgen wieder /deutsch/
/flag/ + /extraflags/
/ita/ - Il Filo
Does this happen in you're cunt?
Please redpill me on Buenos Aires Province
How would your parents react if you brought home a girl with brown skin?
Not again
1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th worlds
Post subtle signs of third worldism
Tfw no femcel gf
Why does Varg hate Iran?
Clair de Lune
/dixie/ - Southern 3DS & Friends
/fr/ le francofil
I hate and despise non blond ""people""
/balt/ + /ausnz/
How big is your dick?
Why do they love eachother so much?
It is genuinely not possible to play this and not be a massive rasist
Be me
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Is dresing as girl common in your country? Pic related, it is me
/cum/ - canada us mexico
I want to be smothered in her flesh
Sverigetråden - Lokala upplagan
/lat/ hilo latino
No crime
If you aren’t Germanic, you are not the master race
There were people literally machine gunning each other on the streets and killing soldiers in Ireland in the 70's
Why do cute russian girls commit suicide?
/soy/ - Soyjak General
I want to be smothered in her flesh
Did Soviet soldiers actually rape 2 million German women? Idk all I’m saying is 2 million is a really big number
What would you say is the worst board on this site?
Gay tops are the epitome of masculinity
/ita/ - il filo
Kurva anyátok
Board is International
Janny faggot kys
Why are waiters so entitled?
Do Germans feel proud of American achivements?
Post based pairings
Be honest would you rape a girl if nobody would find out
Germans call gloves "handshoes"
Why do white and Asian "men" prefer anorexic...
Are there countries with entire months without sunny days? Entire months???
Are Germans white?
Sverigetråden - Majoras upplaga
How do we save Japan from apartheid
Post what you imagine the average Zig Forums poster looks like
You wake up at your current location in the year 1700 (on ground level). What do?
How do school buses work ? I don't think we have them here
I have farted in the presence of a Spanish man. As fart is both gas and physicsl particles...
Nazi thread
Do you love Mexico?
Do they really?
It's happening!
Name a more universally hated country than this one
/fr/ - le francofil
Ur all boring as shit normie cucks kys asap
/desi-DCPajeet stronghold edition
Imagine being this much of a cuck
Does you nation have cuteboys?
Pol/: the continent
/balt/+/ausnz/ + allies
/fr/ - francofoot
Bananas are female in his language
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
Apparently this is what the most genetically diverse man would look like (Khoisan with Andamanese)
Is marrying a Brazilian woman a bad idea?
Post n-words from your language
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
Sverigetråden - Visby-på-vintern upplagan
Racial hierarchy
I'm 27 years old and my parents won't let me drink, smoke, drive a car or bring a girl into our house
/lang/ - Language Learning General
If digits everyone on Zig Forums is getting laid this week
Tfw no pooja gf
American Chad Energy
Eyes of Zig Forums
You're really docile and and tight, for a white guy
How do ugly people cope in your cunt?
Do you love Novgorod Republic?
My experience in England as an exchange student when I was 14/15
/ita/ - il filo
Does this happen in your country?
Anglos are bane of this world
Anyone else finds it hilarious when you post a soyjak on Zig Forums or Zig Forums or something and they all go batshit...
Sverigetråden - Landskapsautismupplagan
Why is romanticization about French a thing bro?
Sex sex sex
How fast do you drive in your cunt?
Not cool, brazil. Not cool
Catholics Worldwide General
French guys look like THAT? :3
Age? # of Hookers seen?
/fr/ - Le Francofil, edition des pédés
You wake up in the aussie outback 50,000BCE
User, word around town is you don't support sex workers
What's wrong with being a nazi?
Why is Japan so ugly?
How important is the skin color of a woman that would make you attracted to her?
Lord please bless the people of Sweden, don't let them be destroyed in their sins...
UNSPEAKABLE southern italians
Why is Zig Forums like this?
You will always be an indian
Post your cities ghetto
Eye thread
The guy in the middle is Piotr Patkowski, the finance viceminister of Poland. WTF? Do Poles really?
Why is southern Spain so different from northern Spain?
/med/ - olive oil general
Post female police from your country
What's our opinion on this country?
Spain yesterday, Spain today
What's the appropriate age to leave Zig Forums?
Why are Germans like this?
Cherry blossoms everywhere
Does any Russian man suffer?
What's uni like in you're country?
Do you love Hokkaido?
/deutsch/ am Sonntag
Which one is native to the region?
Are men treated as expendable in your country?
Spain has started to build a great wall to stop mass immigration
Well Zig Forums will you be playing CK3 in 8 days?
/ita/ - il filo
I heard you were making fun of my race on the internet I hope this isn't true
Sverigetråden - Olof Palmes upplaga
Imagine working for an american intelligence agency
Mfw I can't stop watching hololive videos now
Stop calling us central european, we are nordic, thank you
/ישר/ - /อิสร/ - /isr/ - /እስራ/
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Euro Cops
Affordable health care? That's fucking communism!
Some studies have shown that people who are homophobic are more likely to have repressed homosexual desires...
Americans do be do be do?
Say something in your native language
I wish i was a roadman in UK
I don't like how black people on Zig Forums constantly brag about their sexuality
Would you be willing to pay more taxes so that you could have as cheap education and healthcare system as us...
Luso - fio lusófono
I use Zig Forums and Zig Forums in general solely for the purpose to understand how echo chambers without filters...
Why, oh WHY did I have to be mediterranean. I'd rather be black than this
Why is it so rare for Ruskies to grow a beard...
1.your cunt
Sverigetråden - 楯の会, 楯の會 Mishimas suveräna upplaga 三島 由紀夫
I am starting uni tomorrow and I still haven't received a list of what books I need to buy for this semester
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2386
Does /int use any social media?
R/hapas wants to stop THIS
Why are they so rude towards us Europeans? It's not our fault
Every Zig Forums poster unironically believes their race and heritage is the best in the world
I used my knowledge in marketing and advertising and manufacturing consent and made my hardly left leaning friend to be...
White women
Goes camping in your country
Do you love Finland?
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Why are indian men such chads bros?
Your cunt
Do they really
Kurva anyátok
/esp/ - Hilo Español
This is a 10/10 girl in brazil. only a few girls get to be this good looking...
/fr/ - Le Francofil
175cm 90kg fatass considered average in United states
>Amerimutt calls your country shithole
Burgers are still protesting
Where do people go to hang out with a gf in your country?
How was this man portrayed in your cunt
Which country is this?
What colors do rainbow have in your language?
/v4/ + friends
I refuse to live in a country which is not Dar al-Islam. It is not enough that I may practice my faith...
Is it true that most non-Americans consider America to be the laughingstock of the world?
Do you still watch cartoons, Zig Forums?
Do you believe in God?
/desi/ - capeshit edition
Post a pic you took recently
Why don't you have a gf?
Thoughts on sex with strangers?
Do communists rally in your local town?
What do you imagine a threesome with them would be like?
Average finn/russian thoughts?
What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you see this flage int?
Do other first worlders here feel like they are missing out on life by not being a thirdie...
So what's the final verdict? Are they South Asian, East Asian...
Let's face it - Philippines is the most aesthetic looking country in Southeast Asia
Your country
Tick tock conscriptionfags
/cum/ - Canada Usa Mexico
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2387
I need a Mormon qt
Itt post cia operations in your country
Alcohol is illegal where I live
Heh y-yeah I really miss them *chortles*, anyhow gotta go have anal sex with my mistress
Post the most popular serial killer in your country
Why do they do it bros? What makes them tick? What lurks in their hearts?
Trannies can never pa-
Why are Europeans like this? Lecturing others but being total hypocrites
I am russian girl from Moscow
What are some must watch russian shows or cartoons
Voluntarily gives away americas world hegemony to China
Hello frens :)
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
I'm crying right now bros. I don't understand, why is it gone? Why did such a glorious thing have to end so soon...
What is wrong with humans? There is literally a garbage island just floating out in the ocean
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Are transwomen accepted and cherished in your country?
An amulet of Mara!
Are you prepared for the inevitable blasian century
First thing that pops into your head
Why do Japanese women, some of the ugliest on the planet, have such a good reputation?
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Wash your hands after shaking a gay man's hand
Will Queen Elizabeth II become the longest reigning monarch of all time?
Why do brits look latino?
Listen here, you fucking chimp. Your country is basically an autonomous primate sanctuary...
You wake up in here
Zig Forums opinions on MENA?
/brit /
What do Egyptians think of their ancient heritage?
Sverigetråden - fräna upplagan
White ppl
Your cunt
My favourite kind of threads?
/ita/ il filo
Show me your room, user
I hate them so much bros
/brit /
Why are they poor? Why is there so much violence and corruption there? Is it just pure incompetence...
French posters are actually friendly but always get bullied. why?
Gosh user, you're such a loser!
What would happen if you blew up these fucking piles of rock?
How does someone end up like this?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
/desi/-SnyderKino edition
This is what Europe should be about
I’m gonna be living in Normandie for a while. I have familly and ancestry is these areas...
Meanwhile in China
Armenian "genocide"
How come all the nazi youth looked so much more masculine then modern day zoomers?
How can the Spanish complain, with a straight face, about Gibraltar being rightful Spanish clay, while doing this
Post nostalgia from your childhood in yer country
How long until americans start learning spanish?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
What made it the most backwards, low IQ region of China?
Ma`p thread
ITT: Vent about your experiences having to work/be in a class with people who come from third world countries
Do you want to find love in Germany?
Ask a turkmenistani girl from moscow everything
How popular is kpop in Korea? Does it basically dominate all other forms of music?
Is it even possible to win a total war against them?
How do you say "fuck off faggot" in your language?
Commieblocks ruined Latin American cities, also slums, but commieblocks ruined city centers xd
/nachtschicht/ morgen wieder /deutsch/
Does anyone here unironically struggle with autogynephilia...
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Is Mexico the best and most relevant Latin American country?
"If you stay here much longer, you will go home with slitty eyes.” Said to a British student in China in 1986
Hey there you incel Zig Forumschud pissbaby truscums...
Sverigetråden - Antimaterialistiska upplagan
Do you love Espain
I would rather be american than british
Name 1 famous person from each slavic country
Post old flags of your country
Why are most euros like this?
/ita/ - il filo
Finnish man drinks vodka
Post sovl
What's her name in your country? In my mother tongue she is pronounced harity
Why did france destroy itself?
I like Spain
White people historical crimes
Argentinian peso depreciated another 40% against the dollar so far during 2020
Covid is a good time for waiters to find God
Be a Spaniard
Your country
/deppen/ ehemals /deutsch/
Be honest, would you really date or marry someone out of your race or nationality?
What is winter like in your cunt?
Thank you America
/lang/ - language learning general
Sverigetråden - Svensk meidoupplaga
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Which country could be described by that video?
/desi/-South Indian Breakfast edition
Is your last name native to your count?
How many North Koreans have internet access and how many of them post on Zig Forums?
/brit/ ie /wank/ brít/
Which country is unironically built for BBC?
In Thailand, lèse majesté (insulting the monarch) is criminalized by Section 112 of the Thai Criminal Code...
My prime minister :)
What's wrong with this board ? How does a thread like this traffic 170 replies, and stay up for hours ?
Thank god the Nazi's didn't win, now remember good goy, multiculturalism is our strength! Let it flourish!
International bunda thread
Oh boy, they opened another one
Black women in Israel
The Caucasus
ITT: parts of your country that no one likes
/luso/ fio lusófono
What meme is this?
Kurva anyátok
Thoughts on south Brazilians
Do men in Asia or Asian have white fever the same way the same way white men have it for Asian women...
Is it normal to never have a gf past age 25 in you're country? Asking for a friend haha
/cum/ - canada us mexico
White people supporting police
I am a black man
Germany has opened its first electrified highway for trucks near Frankfurt as part of the country's plans to reduce...
Are brits rednecks of europe?
How does one get a gf in college in you're country?
Convince me to get a job
Why do they look like pajeets? I know there's Indians there, but even the ethnic Arabs look Indian
""""""""western""""""""""" """"""""""""""cartoons""""""""""""""""""
I suffer in America
This is a 9/10 in America
Nordic girls are angels
Why doesnt she die?
/frosch/ besser bekannt als /apu/ ehemals /deutsch/
This is the new police station in Rinkeby. After the 1st of September it's going to be forbidden to take pictures...
Let's make a poll
Zig Forums
Finnish people look so fucking weird
Post based black men
What does the average man from your country look like?
/ita/ - il filo
Americans of Zig Forums, have you ever heard this song?
Lichtenstein is so cute
/fr/ - Le fil Francophone
I have never been out of state
Hello European fren!
Is this italian style architecture the most BASIC BITCH architecture in EUROPE that people still find beautiful??...
Escorts in your country
China is saying the US will cause another financial crisis by printing trillions of dollars
Are they germanic?
Israeli girls
Fuck anime
/hurensöhne/ ehemals /deutsch/
What happens here?
We are coming back
This is America
Why don't Lebs stay and fix their country instead of abandoning it?
Why don't people live in Spain?
Why is the Portuguese language never associated with the Portuguese people...
I am 170cm (5'7), 60kg (132 lb)
In American high schools if a student cant get a date to the prom does he still have to attend the prom anyway?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
/fr/ - Le fil français
Russ*Ids btfo
1. cunt
I had my fifth driving lesson today. How's driving in your country? What cars does Zig Forums drive?
Can Western Right Wingers explain this?
What the fuck?
Why are girls from this country so fucking ugly and creepy?
Why do Japanese women react like this when they see Western men?
Can you read writing from your country 100 years ago?
Gaijins make fun of asian eyes
Being born in Ibiza
Netflix may allow this crap, Zig Forums does not
Faces of Zig Forums
Why have caucasians created most of human civilization?
I have a question for God
Let's say indians get their wish and marry their blue eyed blonde dreamgirl. What happens if they get a daughter...
How come the French, Spanish and Anglos were more successful at spreading their language...
/ita/ - il filo
What's your deepest, darkest sexual fantasy?
In Spain, most upper class people have more of a European ancestry, and tend to look whiter and more blonde...
Yourope opinion thread
What is the French Riviera like? I would like to vacation there some day
Have you gone to the beach yet in you're country or are you still afraid of the chinese hoax?
Why are Americans scared of Stockholm and Malmö suburbs
Americans. This is a normal portion of fries in Europe for grown man. Whst do you think?
/fr/ - Le fil français
>Japan Evil Nazi! Hitler! We wuz Vitcimz! We wuz Asian Holocaust!
Why are the French so based?
Why Europe it's one big NTR world?
Yes I am Swedish, NO I will not apologize
/our guy/ Murasame will be on Japanese TV this monday. will you be tuning in?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Incel Arab tries to pick up a Colombian model in Medellin. Who was in the wrong here?
I don't have a single Polish friend
How often do you shower
This looks familiar
Sverigetråden - För sverige i tiden upplagan
Why don't Northern Ireland and Ireland unite?
/esp/ hilo español 4.0 El Regreso
Why are Anglo progressives and SJWs overtly defending this real pedo shit...
Do you know many Dutch words?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
YAAAAS Islam is so progressive like really ? Why would you think Islam is a dangerous religion...
Insufferable people
What is time is it in your area? In Lithuania, it's 12:33 PM
Why is france Pedo Central?
/cum/ - canada us mexico
95% of European porn actrices come from these 2 countries. Why?
I haven't paid for a streaming service, video game and (most) books in years
Anyone else here don't like eating and is underweight?
When was the last time you inserted your penis into human female?
I wish he had won
Meanwhile in a better world
/ישר/ - /ܝܣܪ/ - /isr/ - /Ισρ/ + חברים
Do americans really?
What's this called in your country?
I hate Poland. it's just like Russia
*saves japan from population decline*
Does your average american genuinely think they are living in the best country in the earth when they lack so much of...
US has had 350k excess deaths this year. Thoughts?
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine